
Resultado de imagen de sonuga-barkeCon motivo de su próxima participación en el 4th International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology on Children and Adolescents, el Dr. Sonuga-Barke ha concedido una entrevista al presidente del comité científico, el profesor Mateu Servera, en la que nos adelanta algunos aspectos de su próxima ponencia “Neurociencia de la prevención para el TDAH”.

El Dr. Sonuga-Barke es Profesor de Psicología del Desarrollo, Psiquiatría y Neurociencia en el King’s College de Londres, Reino Unido. Su investigación se centra en los trastornos del desarrollo neurológico infantil, examinando la patogénesis de las afecciones del neurodesarrollo, sus riesgos genéticos y ambientales subyacentes y los mecanismos cerebrales mediadores. El Dr. Sonuga-Barke es coautor del libro: “ADHD and Hyperkinetic Disorder” y editor de Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. Puede consultarse la entrevista clickando aquí.


Resultado de imagen de sonuga-barkeOn the occasion of his upcoming participation in the 4th International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology on Children and Adolescents, Dr. Sonuga-Barke has given an interview to the chairman of the scientific committee, Professor Mateu Servera, in which he anticipates some aspects of his forthcoming paper «Neuroscience of prevention for ADHD».

Dr. Sonuga-Barke is Professor of Developmental Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience at King’s College London, UK. His research focuses on neurodevelopmental disorders in children, examining the pathogenesis of neurodevelopmental conditions, their underlying genetic and environmental risks, and brain mediating mechanisms. Dr. Sonuga-Barke is co-author of the book: «ADHD and Hyperkinetic Disorder» and editor of the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. The interview can be consulted by clicking here.
